
On average, 84% of shoppers leave without buying the items in their shopping basket. That’s why SaleCycle helps marketers with persuading visitors to complete their purchase before they leave the site, or to provide an easy route back to purchase once they have left.

With Movable Ink, content can be completely personalized by connecting to all relevant data no matter where it lives, updates based upon a recipient’s most recent interactions, and is auto-generated by the platform at the moment of engagement.

Together, SaleCycle and Movable Ink enable marketers to showcase compelling visual content within personalised abandon cart trigger emails that help to recover abandoned sales, drive customer loyalty, and improve conversation rates.

Key Features

  • Showcase additional personalized content to support the main message of your campaign
  • Leverage recent time capabilities to deliver relevant content to customers
  • Create evergreen, reusable content blocks that can be updated without any coding

