
Messaging is a vital part of any marketing campaign, so getting those messages right on the device users expect, is key to effective customer engagement. By leveraging Leanplum and Movable Ink, growth and marketing teams can drive conversions with compelling, personalized messages that resonate with their customers by layering in recent-time contextual cues and customer data. Brands can also utilize Leanplum's market-leading A/B testing capabilities to test different messaging ideas by adapting both the words and tone of their messages until both hit the right notes.

Key Features

  • Create personalized mobile messages that increase engagement and keep your brand at the forefront of your customers’ minds.
  • Boost conversion rates by ensuring you always target your customers with highly relevant content at exactly the right time.
  • Use website and app events, local data, and existing product catalogs to craft relevant messages at inbox arrival.

