[Vodcast] Retail Marketing Recovery: Tactics for Success in 2021

Movable Ink


December 10, 2020

2020 has been anything but business as usual for digital marketers. Substantial e-commerce growth combined with various local and national lockdowns have challenged retailers to react and adapt at unanticipated speeds. Now, with 2021 in sight, the focus must shift to preparing for another unpredictable year ahead. In this episode of Ink Tank, Becki Francis from Movable Ink’s Strategy Team is joined by Ross Williams, VP of Retail at Emarsys, to reflect on a transformative year and discuss the importance of baking agility into our 2021 plans.Watch the full episode below. Like what you see? **[Subscribe so you never miss the latest episodes!](https://go.movableink.com/ink-tank.html)**