Data and Technology

Universal Data Activation: Harness the Full Potential of Twilio Segment

Anjali Yakkundi


October 3, 2023

Personalized marketing that’s backed by data is what marketers need to make an impact with their customers. And to achieve those experiences, marketers rely on their selection of tools and partners. This means that when their tech stack is working like a well-oiled machine, they can drive industry-leading content. But when it's not, their messaging is put at risk:

  • 70% of data integration projects still require IT involvement, disrupting marketers whenever a new data source needs to be incorporated.
  • The majority of marketers are struggling to activate relevant data for content personalization, and only 13% say that they have real-time data on hand.
  • 45% of companies have difficulty personalizing communications and experiences, and nearly half of marketers attribute their inability to reach business goals to inaccessible data.

This is why it’s pivotal to invest in data-driven martech tools that work better together. Marketers can build a strong foundation for their tech stack with Movable Ink Studio’s Universal Data Activation, a capability that allows them to tap into data from any channel at any time.

By activating data, Universal Data Activation powers automated content generation while also realizing the full potential of marketers’ supporting tools. An essential example of this in action is with Twilio Segment, a leading customer data platform (CDP) that supplies a complete data toolkit for marketers by collecting event data from web and mobile apps and unifying into a single profile that can be activated downstream.

With this partner integration, marketers can create hyper-personalized, dynamic content using additional events data from Twilio Segment.

Unlocking Twilio Segment’s Real-Time Data

Twilio Segment is a powerful CDP—here, marketers have a wealth of behavioral data and identity-resolved customer profiles that update in real-time.

Using Movable Ink Studio’s Universal Data Activation to tap into all of the data stored across their enterprise, marketers can now access Twilio Segment’s real-time event data to automatically generate unlimited variations of relevant, personalized content that drives real results: more clicks, conversions, and revenue.

Take Twilio Segment’s identity-resolved customer profiles as an example. Now that marketers can seamlessly access that data, they can map it with Studio’s real-time content generation to produce hyper-personalized messaging like never before.

Unleash Your Data's Potential

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Accessing Data From Twilio Segment

With unlimited access to connecting data sources, marketers can stream any event-based data captured within Twilio Segment using Universal Data Activation. This process comes to life through three key steps:

Define the use case.

  • Unlock a great campaign by taking inventory of existing messaging. Determine which campaigns or triggers would benefit most from adding a layer of behavioral personalization.
  • Start with use cases that have high pressure points, such as favorited products. These are great places to start for driving revenue.

Add Movable Ink’s Customer Data API credentials to Twilio Segment.

  • Within Twilio Segment, select the data sources that capture the needed information to send to Studio.
  • From there, all marketers need to do is name the destination and input the Customer Data API credentials. It’s a simple process that Movable Ink outlines with the support of the Solutions Consulting team.

Create Movable Ink Dynamic Content.

  • Once the integration is configured, Studio dynamically populates targeting rules based on the inputs.
  • This means that marketers can easily create personalization logic for real-time, hyper-personalized content using CDP data and Studio’s visual designer.

With all of this additional data at marketers’ disposal, new layers of personalization can be easily added into content and unlock new, sophisticated use cases. Any event that aligns with unique business needs—such as mobile app downloads, credit card sign-ups, or loyalty points redemption—can be used to retarget customers without IT intervention.

The Benefits of a MarTech Ecosystem Integration

One of the biggest pain points of adopting new technologies is the potential disruption to daily workflows and wasting precious time navigating between solutions.

However, Movable Ink helps marketers avoid those hurdles by maximizing existing martech investments and seamlessly integrating into existing stacks. Using a simple connector into Twilio Segment, transferring and activating data within Studio is faster and easier than ever.

This is just a glimpse into how we can help bring powerful marketing experiences to life. We’d love to share the full story of Universal Data Activation, so please reach out to your Movable Ink representative for more information, learn more about Twilio Segment, and check out the Universal Data Activation eBook to see how our clients use these capabilities to reduce time-to-market, lift conversions, and increase revenue.