Digital Marketing

The Ultimate Loyalty Personalization Playbook


March 30, 2022

Retaining customers is no simple task and continues to get more difficult with each passing day. There are infinite routes a customer can take to make a purchase, so how can a brand ensure they stand out from the crowd?

Loyalty programs were created to guarantee a brand’s best customers stick around. But the old ways of traditional points and balance won’t cut it. Consumers have sky-high expectations from their favorite brands and anticipate a high-quality experience at every digital turn. As loyal consumers become more difficult to retain, marketers must personalize brand experiences across channels to drive successful results.

The Ultimate Loyalty Personalization Playbook reveals how brands can unify their data, content, and teams to create compelling omni-channel loyalty touchpoints for a one-of-a-kind customer journey that grows lifetime value. Additionally, marketers will learn the facts behind meeting new consumer needs and why brands must incorporate tailored loyalty communications across campaigns.

In the Ultimate Loyalty Personalization Playbook discover:

  • The current state of today’s global consumer loyalty programs.
  • Where marketing teams can invest time and resources to strengthen loyalty initiatives.
  • How to implement quick wins across loyalty campaigns that drive revenue and value.

Successful loyalty programs attract loyal customers.

The Ultimate Loyalty Personalization Playbook focuses on the importance of retaining your most valuable customers.

Key stats from the playbook include:

  • 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide personalized recommendations.
  • Campaigns using push notifications alone increase app retention by 71%, while those who pair push notifications with a 2nd channel boost retention rates by 130%.
  • Brands that leverage data-driven personalization report 5-8x higher ROI for their campaign spend.

Looking to retain valuable customers? Download The Ultimate Loyalty Personalization Playbook today.