AI Personalization

Supercharge Your Product Discovery

TJ Prebil


September 18, 2024

Product Discovery Is Poised for Great Results

Product Discovery is a powerful digital marketing tool that allows brands to deepen engagement and drive more revenue from existing customers. By strategically introducing customers to a broader range of products, marketers can enhance customer relationships, boost sales, and increase brand loyalty. 

Traditionally, product discovery has been facilitated by recommendation engines that suggest new or interesting products based on a customer’s current or past browsing habits, as well as known purchasing behavior. But with the advent of advanced AI, the possibilities for product discovery have expanded dramatically.

The Power of Product Discovery

Imagine a customer who first engages with your brand through a specific product line, such as kitchen accessories. While they may be satisfied with their purchase, they might not be aware of the wide range of other products your brand offers, such as outdoor furniture, kids’ bedroom sets, or household items. Product discovery aims to bridge this gap by exposing customers to your full catalog, encouraging them to explore and, ideally, purchase across multiple categories.

Over the past decade or so, product discovery has been supported with recommendation engines to suggest complementary or new products when a customer is shopping on your website and, to a lesser extent, within email campaigns. However, this approach has limitations, especially in situations where the marketer lacks insight into a customer’s most current interests.

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The Challenges of Product Discovery in Email Marketing

Email marketing presents unique challenges when it comes to product discovery. Unlike a website where a customer’s browsing behavior provides clues about their interests, email campaigns often lack this context—especially if a customer hasn’t visited your website in a month or more. This makes it difficult to determine what products to feature in an email. Additionally, creative assets used in emails are often selected by merchandising teams and assigned to broad customer segments, which can lead to generic or irrelevant suggestions.

The truth is, we as marketers rarely know exactly what a customer might be interested in at any given moment. Without explicit feedback, it’s almost impossible to predict a customer’s needs, whether it’s a new size in clothing, a suitcase for an upcoming vacation, or a gift for a party next weekend. This uncertainty is one of the most challenging aspects of marketing.

How AI Is Transforming Product Discovery in Email

Thankfully, advancements in AI are changing the game. With sophisticated tools like Movable Ink Da Vinci, brands can now leverage their batch email campaigns to automate and optimize product discovery. Da Vinci’s AI capabilities allow it to interpret the content of a brand’s creative assets, match them to the most relevant customers, and cycle through these assets to ensure that each customer receives content tailored to their needs and interests.

But Da Vinci goes even further. It can analyze a customer’s engagement with an email—whether they click on a product or not—and adjust the content accordingly. If a customer shows interest in camping gear, for example, Da Vinci can dive deeper into related products like tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, and more. If engagement is low, it can pivot and introduce entirely different products. This dynamic approach ensures that each customer’s experience is not only personalized and relevant, but constantly optimizing to try to help drive engagement. 

Unprecedented Insights and Strategic Advantages

But the benefits of using AI solutions like Da Vinci for product discovery extend beyond enhancing customer engagement. The insights gained from these AI-driven campaigns can provide merchandisers and marketers with the latest data on what products are trending among customers. This allows for more informed strategic decisions, such as adjusting inventory, refining marketing strategies, or even launching new products.

In essence, Da Vinci’s AI not only optimizes product discovery but also acts as a barometer for customer interest, offering brands an invaluable advantage in today’s competitive market.

Innovate Your Product Discovery Today

Product discovery has always been a critical component of successful marketing strategies, but with the integration of AI, it’s reaching new heights. Tools like Da Vinci empower brands to deliver personalized, relevant content to customers, driving deeper engagement and higher revenue. As AI continues to evolve, the possibilities for product discovery will only expand, offering even more opportunities for brands to connect with their customers in meaningful ways.

Ready to supercharge your product discovery strategy? Discover more about Movable Ink Da Vinci firsthand or get a deeper dive with the related resources below.