Digital Marketing

Reclaim and Retain Subscribers: Effective Tactics for Seasonal Streaming Success

Erin Johnson


August 23, 2024

As the seasons shift, so do customer behaviors—especially for streaming platforms during the colder, cozier months. With audiences hunkering down indoors, the return of fall and winter programming is your golden moment to re-engage subscribers and win back those who’ve unplugged for the summer.

Looking to boost engagement, cut churn, and outpace the competition? This blog lays out the must-know strategies to keep your audience hooked, maximize retention, and set the tone for a standout 2025. Let’s dive in.

Keep these trends in mind

With customer attention scarce, revenue streams shifting, and content expectations rising, use these trends as your guide for driving growth and capturing loyalty. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Maximize content awareness and engagement: With attention becoming a rare commodity, it’s essential to seize every opportunity to drive content visibility and foster engagement.
  • Expand revenue opportunities: Many organizations are focusing on new revenue streams, such as advertising-based video on demand (AVOD), shoppable ads, and sports betting. These trends are key areas to explore for growth.
  • Meet higher content expectations: With higher ROI investments as the new expectations, content performance must improve. Ensure your content delivers on these heightened expectations.
  • Leverage aggregation for growth: As the marketing becomes more saturated, companies should and will lean toward aggregators to create new opportunities for their consumers. By offering larger content libraries and addressing customer pain points, aggregation is set to drive the next wave of growth.

Get Inspired with these simple yet effective personalization tactics 

Wake up dormant or churned customers

Chances are, some of your audience has drifted away or canceled their subscriptions. Now is the perfect time to bring them back with a sneak peek of what’s coming up. Simple tactics like gamification or countdown timers can spark their interest and remind them that they’re missing out.Take a cue from iHeartRadio, the official NBC audio partner of the 2024 Paris Olympics. They used a countdown timer to build excitement for the games, encouraging listeners to download their app for live coverage, exclusive podcasts, and more.

Make finding new content easy 

Ever sat down to relax, only to find yourself lost in the sea of streaming options with nothing that catches your eye? You’re not alone—most households are juggling at least four streaming subscriptions. That’s where you as a marketer can step in and shine. The easier and more enjoyable you make it for customers to discover new binge-worthy content, the more they’ll trust and stick with your brand. Take a cue from Rakuten Viki. They turned content discovery into a game by creating a poll to find out what subscribers wanted to watch next. The twist? They revealed a show suggestion through a scratch-off feature, delivered via email and in-app messages. It’s a clever, interactive way to keep viewers engaged and coming back for more.

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It’s not just about helping customers find new content; it’s about making personalized experiences easy to deliver. Take Amazon Music—they send out newsletters recommending new artists based on listeners’ tastes. With Movable Ink, they upped their game by creating real-time, hyper-personalized emails that update with fresh releases right at the moment of send. The result? Dynamic content that’s automatically tailored to each subscriber, boosting streaming and proving Amazon Music’s value with every email.

Put your brand value front and center 

Subscriber loyalty might seem more fragile than ever, but here’s the silver lining: over 32% of streaming cancellations are ‘won back’ within six months. This fall presents a critical window for marketers to reclaim those viewers, but it will take more than just great content—your brand’s value must take center stage. 

Whether you’re expanding offerings like Prime Video, MAX, or Peacock with live content such as news and sports, or rekindling interest with the return of a hit series (bonjour, Emily in Paris), highlighting fresh value propositions is essential to keeping customers engaged and coming back.

For example, Inkredible Media can drive upsell opportunities by spotlighting premium content that’s exclusive to subscribers. The campaign increases engagement by featuring trending shows and adding ratings to draw in viewers. If customers have already shown interest in premium content, a timely reminder—combined with a clear message about its exclusivity—can prompt them to upgrade.

Similarly, Inkredible Media aims to elevate lower-tier subscribers by encouraging them to upgrade based on shows they’ve previously enjoyed. By leveraging recommendations to introduce new content, customers can easily discover fresh options and consider upgrading. Even without specific recommendations, showcasing popular shows can still capture attention and lead to more upgrades.

It’s crunch time for media and streaming marketers! Winning over audiences starts with tuning into their evolving tastes. By personalizing the viewing experience, simplifying content discovery, and showcasing what makes your brand binge-worthy, you’ll keep subscribers engaged and coming back for more.

For expert tips and strategies to elevate your marketing, explore the resources below!