Data and Technology

Movable Ink Partners With Syte to Enable Hyper-Personalized Email Marketing

Ido Segev


September 8, 2021

Email is a direct line to top customers. But with the average shopper receiving dozens of marketing emails each day, brands and retailers need to work harder than ever to captivate consumer attention. That's why Movable Ink and Syte, the leading Product Discovery Platform, have joined forces to empower brands to send hyper-personalized, dynamic emails, just in time for the holiday rush.

With this integration, brands and retailers can bring high-intent traffic back to their website with tailored emails that recommend the most relevant products for each shopper and reflect recent updates in pricing, inventory, shopper preferences, and more.

The Power of 1:1, Hyper-Personalized Emails

Syte’s visual AI technology analyzes product images and identifies the attributes and details of items that shoppers click on and interact with in order to suggest relevant, similar, and complementary items. Then, together with Movable Ink’s innovative content displays, these recommendations are delivered in highly targeted emails for each individual shopper.

For example, say a shopper had been eyeing a walnut coffee table online. They were waiting for a sale to buy the pricey table, but when they next checked the website, the table was sold out. With Syte and Movable Ink’s new capabilities, they could receive an email designed uniquely for them, displaying a range of highly personalized, visually similar coffee table recommendations, along with complementary decorative items that align with their unique aesthetic taste. Suddenly, the disappointing experience of the sold-out table has turned into a curated shopping experience with several new and appealing options.

The impact of these hyper-personalized emails on shopper engagement is staggering, driving up click-through rates by 7X, and bringing those high-intent customers back to make a purchase.

How it Works

To create a dynamic content campaign with Syte and Movable Ink, first define your business goal for the campaign, whether that’s driving lifetime value, return traffic, recovering abandoned carts, etc. Then, choose the campaign type that aligns with your objectives.

There are four key campaign types:

  1. Similar Items - Display a variety of items visually similar to those a shopper engaged with on-site
  2. Hyper-Personalized Recommendations - Recommend a range of items based on individual shopper behavior and preferences
  3. Shop the Look/Room - Identify and make it easy for shoppers to click through and purchase all the items within a room or outfit image, so they can follow their inspiration
  4. Merchandising Rules - Prioritize the products displayed in your emails according to merchandising criteria you set, from price range to trending items, profit margins, themed collections, and more

The campaign templates are designed to be fully customizable, enabling you to optimize according to your brand’s needs.

Learn More

Syte and Movable Ink’s dynamic emails integrate with top email service providers, including Emarsys, Oracle Bronto, and Salesforce Marketing Cloud. To learn more about how the technology works, take a look at the Movable Ink Exchange and head over to Syte’s website.