Data and Technology

How Brands Use Automation to Scale Email Personalization Strategy


March 2, 2022

Marketers are busy people. Planning, executing, and implementing a successful campaign takes the dedication of a hardworking and well-rounded team. Over half of brands (53%) spend multiple weeks producing a single email from brainstorm to send. That’s a lot of time and energy. If given the chance to win some of that time back, wouldn’t every marketer jump toward the opportunity?

The average marketer spends almost a third of their time completing repetitive tasks — that is 16 hours of a 40-hour workweek. It’s time to cut ties with monotonous day-to-day doings and prioritize creating more personalized content.

Enter automation. Nothing is better than creating valuable, result-driven content that can be transformed into endless variations without the manual work. Marketers no longer need to re-create content across channels or rely on creative teams and IT to help produce several iterations of a campaign— it’s now done with a click of a button. Successful automation is constructed in a way that is simple for the marketer but makes the consumer feel like they are unique — because they are! It’s the age of marketing automation and AI powered personalized content has never been easier to achieve.

With individualized and automated content comes successful results. The time saved gives marketers the opportunity to focus more heavily on the type of content they are sending, which quickly drives ROI. Scalable, engaging, and data-activated campaigns retain and grow customer value, leaving competition behind.

This being said, the benefits of automation stretch well beyond time savings. Here are some other advantages that will change a brand’s automated marketing game:

Increased Productivity

Innovative ideas take time to foster. When automation is involved, marketers can put more time and energy into strategy and less time on execution and tactical details, leaving space for innovation. For example, if a brand finds that including a customer’s recently browsed products in an email increases overall conversion rates, they might decide to make content evergreen across multiple campaigns and channels. This gives the brand an opportunity to focus more heavily on what’s working and what’s not with their marketing strategy and make decisions from there. With this process in place, the customer now feels their individual needs are being met and that they are the brand’s priority, with no extra work done by the marketer.

It's the Age of Automation.

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Personalized Customer Journey

Customer journeys that personalize content to each recipient drive retention. With trigger messaging, automation can be done without the behind-the-scenes hassle for marketers. Keeping customers on the hook directly from their first purchase turns their one-time shopping into full-time loyalty.

For instance, if a customer buys a product that triggers an email from the brand thanking them for their purchase, they are more apt to continue their journey. Displaying an image of the item with a 4-star review along with other images of similarly-bought products are ways to reinforce the customer’s purchase decision. This automated communication allows brands to create a streamlined approach to capturing consumer attention.

Automated, AI powered personalization takes marketing a step further. With the right software in your back pocket, marketers can not only leverage data for today's campaigns, but to teach their AI about customers. Once the AI begins learning, marketers can deploy messaging that fosters healthier, happier customers in the long term.

Effective Data Usage

When automation makes its way into the limelight, using data effectively becomes simple. Marketers have access to mountains of information but don’t always have efficient ways of implementing it into a strategy. Automation that can easily tap into data allows marketers to understand what products and content are most valuable to their customers.

When marketers can see what data is performing best, brands can deliver the most impactful and up-to-date messaging possible. If a credit card holder upgrades from premium to platinum, the consumer will expect that all future correspondence from the brand will change to reflect their newest journey. As the customer has a shift in their needs, automated messaging shifts along with them.

Once marketers identify what automation can do for a successful marketing strategy, it’s important to understand why it’s the right move. Whether it’s solving content bottlenecks or increasing ROI, automating the most relevant content for each customer at every touchpoint helps marketers stray away from predetermined, irrelevant, and static creative that leads to lower customer retention.

Looking to learn more about how Movable Ink can automate and personalize your email strategy? Request a demo today.