Data-Activated Content Just Got Easier with New Studio

Movable Ink


December 16, 2020

_Data-activated content just got a whole lot easier with the launch of Movable Ink’s most powerful Studio update yet. Marketers gain a new concept of freedom when it comes to executing uniquely personalized campaigns—the power to do it all on their own._ #### **The evolution of Studio and its effect on productivity:**The ability to create data-activated content that is unique to each customer at scale is a challenge that we’ve seen many marketers struggle with, no matter how big or small the team. This challenge became the inspiration for Movable Ink’s Studio solution. Initially, Studio started as a set of frequently requested apps from marketers looking to innovate their email campaigns with real-time contextual factors like weather, maps, coupons, and more to drive user engagement. With the creation of Studio, marketers for the first time were given the power to automate these capabilities into out-of-the-box apps that could be formatted to meet both their creative demands and gain agility by easily deploying personalized experiences faster. As Studio’s adoption grew, so did marketers’ desire to personalize customer journeys with their existing data. Thus, Studio began accepting diverse data sources to build creative, including websites, CSVs, and APIs to power content such as live pricing, current inventory, and even loyalty status information within their email campaigns. These data source enhancements opened up the realm of possibilities for marketers, where many envisioned pairing this content with customer behavioral data. As these marketing needs continued to innovate, so did Studio:* Behavioral content capabilities were added, allowing marketers to directly impact revenue by automatically showing users’ previously browsed products, categories, and abandoned products in any campaign throughout the customer lifecycle. * In combination with data sources, marketers could now tell programmatically tailored stories to each user, such as a user’s abandoned item, the item’s current price, and inventory level_—_all without breaking their production process.With the foundation for creating content now set, marketers started demanding more freedom to achieve the desired look and feel of their creative. Over the last two years, Movable Ink added new features that allowed marketers to format fonts directly within the Studio app through a simple menu bar, as well as easily add query parameters or data sources into text, images_—_even going as far as creating custom data visualizations and animations.#### **Studio in 2020, shifting to life online:** This fall, Movable Ink overhauled Studio to meet marketers’ growing demands once again. As 2020 shifted life online, marketers needed even more flexibility to communicate with their customers in new ways:* The ability for easily showcasing relevant product information with different creative treatments based on whether an item is on sale or low in stock became an essential part of digital strategies. * Marketers sought after dynamic creatives that reflected where the customer was along their loyalty journey to maintain customer loyalty and retention. * Due to changing environments and evolving business needs, marketers now needed to gain the ability to build these use cases on their own easily.![]( **Creative autonomy with Canvases:** In response to 2020’s market changes, Movable Ink’s Studio fall release empowers marketers with flexibility and autonomy never before available out-of-the-box. Marketers can now define when to display a particular piece of content using **_Canvases_**. Canvases enable marketers to specify when to display different creative treatments, such as sale price versus regular price, by using custom business logic directly from Studio in their independent builds. Marketers can now mix and match multiple Studio capabilities and data sources into the same Studio app, whether these are websites, CSV files, or even 3rd party APIs. With Studio’s latest enhancements, marketers are now equipped with an entirely new freedom to pull in recommendations with reviews and live pricing into creative more efficiently than ever before.![]( are so excited to see how our clients use this new functionality. And rest assured that this latest Studio update is just the beginning. _For clients, learn how to use these latest features through our latest [Client Enablement Session](, or stay in the know of our latest releases by signing up for our newsletter._ _Not a client and curious to learn more on how Movable Ink’s Studio is changing the way we look at marketing campaigns? Feel free to [request a demo here](