Culture Spotlight: Meet Black Ink

Mel Laffin


February 8, 2021

**_“To build, create, and maintain a safe, connected, workable environment for Movable Ink’s Black and Brown employees. We uplift the contributions in our employees, making a home for inclusivity and creativity. Black-Ink serves as a space for learning, nurturing, and cultivating the Black experience.”_** 2021 marks the year of new beginnings and fresh resolve to take action in creating an environment for everyone to flourish. We are honored and excited for this new chapter to unfold here at Movable Ink. Black-Ink, an employee resource group dedicated to MI’s Black & Brown employees, is an integral part of this company, and so are its members. Black Ink is here to be the voice of the small, but very impactful Black employees of MI: from highlighting black-owned businesses, organizations, and charities–such as [Black Lives Matter,]( [Black Trans Protestors Relief Fund](, and [Black Emotional and Mental Health](–to implementing events, lunch & learns, and advocating for wellness programming like our curated Black-Ink Wellness Care Packages to promote self-care and mental awareness during such a tumultuous time.Black Ink also had the amazing opportunity to join the People Team attending HBCU Career Fairs such as: AUCC and North Carolina AT&T. While there, we connected with students about their career goals and journey while sharing insight into Movable Ink’s life and culture. We truly enjoyed our time with the students and are excited to continue attending these fairs and seeing the talent within them. _“When I joined Movable Ink, it was exciting to come to a place with a collaborative and fun culture- but one thing that really settled me in was having the Black Ink ERG. It gave me a space to culturally connect with other black employees of similar and different backgrounds and has acted to elevate my mind and create deeper connections with other employees that I wouldn’t meet in my everyday setting. I’m looking forward to celebrating Black History month with this team and continuing to promote further diversity in culture, in creativity, and collaboration in our company.”_ – Julian KingstonIn this upcoming year, our goal is to partner with organizations that advocate for unconscious bias within the workplace, specialize in black mental health, and emphasize creating safe environments for black and brown employees. We also hope to host diverse lecturers who speak on careers, social development, and allies within the workplace.Even though 2021 is the official start of Black-Ink, as you can see, we are hitting the ground running. We want to curate a space of creativity and inclusivity so everyone can feel safe and comfortable in their own skin. We’re hopeful that Black-Ink will be a point of guidance and exploration in this new awaited chapter.